My first motorcycle was a Benelli 50. I burned through the tires
riding the streets around my house. Over the course of 14 years I went
through a Beta ”Stork” then a Malaguti ”New Dribbling” – which I used to
get to school. Then a Montesa 49 Trial bike and with the trial bike my
passion for 2 wheels was born.
The Montesa 49 made room for it’s
bigger sister the Montesa 123 and this is the bike I started competing
in the Moto Club of Trento with.
The next step was the Montesa 349.
After my Trail the desire for a performance bike brought me towards a
red Honda XC 400R. Good off-road comfort and agility where it’s strong
2 years later I sold the single cylinder Honda for a red Transalp XL 600V a big bike for touring and light offroad.
first riding season I did about 17,000 Km together with Cristina and
some friends. Touring Trentino, Austria, Germany, and France and seeing
many motoGP.
I also used this motorcycle for my vacations in Corsica and Island of Elba and many others.
1996 I upgraded to a true Sport Tourer – it had always been a goal of
mine – the red Honda VFR 750 RC36II with my purchase of the VFR I met
the big family that is the VFR Italia Club.
In 2006 I took another step up with a red VFR VTEC 800. A bike new and different, technological, powerful, and safe.
the VFR Club there is a strong bond made up of many shredded corners.
Among VFR Italy we are the Grizzly Pack of Trentino Alto-Adige.
On 2018 arrived the Honda Crossrunner X, amazing cross-over